Meet Dolly - she is quite an important little character in our lives.

Before I had children I had lots of - some might say 'daft' and 'bold' ideas about how I would raise my children - such as we would never have a DVD player in the car (utter godsend and sanity saver on long trips with grumpy and mildly unreasonable toddler) ... and I would think things like - play would only be with wholesome wooden or fabric toys - no plastic dolls would be allowed. Needless to say since having the girls I fully appreciate you should never say 'never' before actually experiencing the challenges of child rearing first hand!
When Charlotte started nursery school my heart melted to see her play so tenderly with dolls - coupled with trying to find a way to get her to tolerate bathtime - we got Dolly. Dolly came with a pink plastic fantastic bath set and since Dolly's arrival bathtimes have been fun. Dolly has helped Charlotte with bathtime, with the birth of Catherine (everything Catherine needed Dolly needed it too), doctor visits, meal times etc. Dolly comes for walks with us, to the store, on vacation ... you name it Dolly has been a part of it.
Up in my
disorganized craft room (I'm still looking for insight if you have any more input to add) I have a very large bin full of scraps of material (I crazily keep almost every scrap thinking there might be a use for it one day.)I decided to make Dolly a little scrappy quilt and matching pillow.

Any straight thinking person might have decided on the doll's bed before spending those valuable nap times slaving away over a tiny quilt ... I thought a shoe box or something would do - however on a
craft room inspiration/reconnaissance mission to Ikea
I stumbled upon
this doll's bed.

With a lick of white paint - I feel like this was money well spent. I recovered the supplied mattress pad with a bright pink cotton print and added a couple extra layers of batting - after all - Dolly needs to be as comfortable as possible! After all my efforts I really felt Dolly's new quilt was just a bit too small for the bed.

A little devastated and guilt ridden for our loyal friend - I set about making some (3) more little quilts (please note #2 quilt will not be shown for pride reasons!) ...

... #3 quilt was out right rejected - although the pink pillow was well received ...

... and I was barely allowed to put #4 quilt on the bed. (I really rather like this little number - perhaps Teddy will be allowed to use it - instead of tying the quilt layers together by hand I used
Bernie - it was so quick and neat I shall be using the technique again.)

So in the end Charlotte loved the first quilt I made - what was I so worried about? My sweet little girl is currently taking a nap in her bed - and beside her is her beloved Dolly in her bed with her new quilt.